Sunday, October 7, 2012

More on the Girls

(originally posted in April 2012)

I wanted to fill everyone in on some details about the three sisters who we will be sharing our summer with.  As Matt posted previously, we will be hosting the girls in our home for five weeks this summer.  They will arrive June 28th and return on August 2nd.  We are SO ready for them to be here!

We aren't certain which girl is which in the picture above, but we think Z* is on the far right, S* is in the middle, and V* is on the left.  Z* is the oldest and will turn 14 just before she arrives.  She loves arts and crafts and likes to sew.  I'm already brainstorming craft projects for us!  She likes to run and swim, and her favorite animal is a horse.  Black & blue are her favorite colors, and she loves to eat lasagna.

  S* is the middle sister, and she will turn 13 right after the girls return back from their trip here.  Her favorite class is PE, and her favorite colors are pink, black, and red.  She loves little kids (that should come in handy!) and wants to learn to talk to dolphins.  Her favorite food is pizza.

V* is the youngest sister.  She recently turned 11.  She sings in the choir and enjoys painting.  Her favorite sport is the long jump, and her favorite animal is a whale.  Black & white are her favorite colors, and she loves to eat mashed potatoes.  She would like to learn to play the flute.

The girls currently live with a foster family.  Their country is trying to move to a foster system similar to America's, and our girls are fortunate to have been placed in a home rather than an orphanage.  It's possible that they did spend time there before their foster family, though.  We don't know anything about where they live exactly or what their living situation is like.  We also don't know much about their background or how long they have been orphans.

One of the most popular questions we get is, "do they speak English?"  They've come to America through this program a few times before, so they've picked up conversational English along the way.  Z* also takes English in school, so we are told she is helpful in translating for her sisters.  Otherwise, we'll use translation apps and charades to communicate.  We hear that every family kind of just develops their own language.  I think that will be fun!

When most people hear that the girls have come to America before, they wonder why they haven't already been adopted.  Rest assured that all the other families have LOVED these girls.  They just haven't been in the position to add 3 more children to their family, which is understandable.  We've heard great things about them and can't wait to share our home with them!

Please continue to check back to learn more about the girls as we do.  We'll keep this updated throughout our summer adventure!

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